Sex Offense Case Results

Massachusetts Sex Crime Case Results

Worcester Superior Court

The client was charged with Felony Rape. If convicted, the client faced up to 20 years in state prison and would be required to register as a sex offender. The client and the alleged victim were friends for about six years. The alleged victim had been out partying with another friend on the night of the incident. When they left the bar, they went to the client’s house to ‘hang out.’ Several people left the apartment. Only the client and the alleged victim remained. The alleged victim states she fell asleep on the couch and woke up on the client’s bed. Her panties were on the floor, his fingers were in her vagina and he had a condom on his penis. The client denied she was ever in his bed and she was gone from the apartment when she awoke. Massachusetts Sexual Assault Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: The jury finds the client NOT GUILTY.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with open and gross lewdness and lewd wanton and lascivious conduct. The client was inside a Target store shopping. A security guard alleged he saw the client pull his penis from his pants and masturbate in the camping aisle. At trial, the security guard testified he crouched down at the end of the aisle, looked around the corner and saw the client masturbating. Video surveillance was retrieved from the Target store. Chelsea Sex Offense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: The jury returns a verdict of Not Guilty.

Waltham District Court

The client was charged with 2 counts of indecent assault and battery. The alleged victim stated the client touched her vagina and her breasts while in front of his house. The allegations were highly offensive and used offensive language. Boston area Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the case and finds the alleged victim had stolen over $40,000 from the client. Attorney Miller uncovers the motive and prepares for trial.

Result: On the day of trial, the alleged victim asserts her Fifth Amendment right and refuses to testify.

Chelsea District Court

The client and another man were allegedly drinking at his apartment. A woman who was known to the client stopped by his house and joined the client and the other man. A sexual encounter occurred between the alleged victim, the client and the other man. The alleged victim was later kicked out of the apartment when she became too drunk. The alleged victim went to the police station and told them she had been raped. The client was charged with Aggravated Rape and faced a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence in state prison. Boston Rape Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the case.

Result: The prosecutor files a Nolle Prosequi and ends the prosecution of the client.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The client was charged with one count of aggravated rape. The police alleged he forced a woman who he had been dating to have sex. The alleged victim reported the incident after she arrived at the hospital. Boston Sexual Assault Defense Attorney Jeff Miller convinces the prosecutor to reduce the charge to remain in the District Court. The charge is reduced and Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result: Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Felony indecent assault and battery on two separate occasions via claims from two separate victims. The client is not from the United States and did not speak English. Massachusetts Sexual Assault Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller visits the scene and interviews the witnesses. Attorney Miller prepares the case for trial.

Result: On the day of trial, the case is dismissed. Client avoids the requirement of registering as a Sex Offender.

Suffolk Superior Court

The client was charged with aggravated rape of a child. This charge carried the possibility of life in state prison and a 15-year mandatory minimum sentence. In addition, if the client were convicted of the charge, he would be required to register as a sex offender. The Commonwealth alleged the client participated in the rape of a 12 year old by holding him down while another, uncharged person, sexually assaulted him with an object. This case involved many interesting issues. The investigation uncovered certain inconsistencies with the evidence. Massachusetts Rape Defense Lawyer prepares for trial.

Result: On the day of the scheduled trial, the client pleads guilty to misdemeanor assault and battery. No Jail or Prison sentence, probation. No registration as a sex offender.

Suffolk Superior Court, Boston, MA

The client was charged with one count of Felony Rape. If convicted, the client faced up to 20 years in state prison. In addition, the client would have to register as a sex offender. The client was employed at a local bar. Because of a large snowstorm, the bar arranged for hotel rooms for the employees. A group of employees walked to a local hotel after the bar closed. A bar manager was among the employees staying at the hotel. The alleged victim stated the client had entered her room and raped her while she was sleeping. The client gave a statement to the police denying he had been in the alleged victim’s room of that he had sex with her. DNA testing showed the presence of the client’s semen. Massachusetts Rape Defense Attorney prepares for trial. Among the issues at trial piercing the rape shield law. This is a difficult task. Boston Rape Defense Attorney Jeff Miller successfully argues to allow evidence piercing the Massachusetts Rape Shield Statute.

Result: After a week long Jury Trial, a Suffolk Superior Court Jury finds the client NOT GUILTY. The Jury returned its’ verdict after about 90 minutes of deliberation.

Boston Municipal Court
Brighton Division

The client was charged with rape.  The Commonwealth alleged the client had raped his wife.  The alleged victim was handicapped and used a walker to aid her in her mobility.  At arraignment, the Judge set bail in the amount of $50,000.  Boston Rape Defense Attorney analyzed the case and learned the alleged victim was aware the client had been involved with another woman.  Boston Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller filed for a bail review in the Superior Court a short time after the arraignment.  The clients bail was reduced to personal recognizance.  Attorney Miller answers ready for three separate probable cause hearings and objects to the prosecutors request for a continuance.

Result:  Prosecutor files a Nolle Prosequi, ending the prosecution against the client.  Client maintains a clean record.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The client was charged with Felony Failure to Register as a Sex Offender.  The government alleged the client did not register in the time period allotted under the law.  A conviction under the statute triggers an onerous obligation of Lifetime Community Parole Supervision. Sex Offense Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  NOT GUILTY.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Rape.  The Commonwealth alleged the client came home from a night of drinking and raped a family member.  Boston Rape Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the facts as alleged by the Commonwealth.

Result:  Approximately three months after the alleged incident, the Commonwealth files a Nolle Prosequi.  The case is NOT INDICTED.  The case ends and the client is not prosecuted for the case.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Sex for Fee.  Chelsea Sex for Fee Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client is charged with Rape.  The Commonwealth alleged the client had raped a woman known to him while they were drinking in her apartment.  Boston Rape Defense Attorney Jeff Miller innterviews several witnesses including the first complaint witness.  Two probable cause hearing dates are scheduled.  On each date, the prosecutor requests more time.  Attorney Jeff Miller answers ready and argues for bail to be reduced to personal recognizance.  Motion ALLOWED.  The client is released.

Result:  The Commonwealth declines indictment and file a Nolle Prosequi, ending the case against the client.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The client was charged with failure to register as a sex offender.  The client was compliant with the conditions of his registration requirements.  The client notified the SORI unit of his intention to relocate to another state.  The client did this in writing.  At some point after the client moved out-of-state the police contacted the police in the town where the client indicated he was moving.  The police stated he was not there.  Several months later, a Boston police officer stated he observed the client in Boston.  No arrest was made.  A warrant issued for his arrest.  Failure To Register as a Sex Offender Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.  Trial preparation incuded many interesting evidentiary issues.

Result:  On the day of trial, the Commonwealth avers they cannot proceed to trial, case dismissed, client avoids Lifetime Community Parole Supervision.

Chelsea District Court

The client is charged with rape.  The prosecutor alleged the client punched a woman in the head and forced her to perform oral sex on him.  Massachusetts Rape Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case.  During the investigation, Attorney Miller discovers some unfavorable information about the alleged victim’s credibility.

Result:  The prosecutor declines indictment on the case and files a Nolle Porosequi thereby ending the prosecution of the client.  No conviction, no record for the client.

Suffolk Superior Court

The client was indicted on one count of Statutory Rape, two counts of threats to commit a crime and one count of violating a restraining order.  The Commonwealth alleged the 21-year old client had engaged in sexual intercourse with a 15-year old girl.  The Commonwealth also alleged the client made threats against people who were aware of the encounter.  Boston Rape Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the allegations.  Multiple witnesses are interviewed while preparing for trial.  Attorney Miller negotiates with the prosecuting attorney.

Result:  Pretrial Probation (no admission of guilt) on statutory rape charge.  Guilty on remaining counts, probation only.  Client avoids incarceration and does not have to register as a sex offender.

Chelsea District Court

The client is charged with Assault and Battery and Indecent Assault and Battery.  If convicted on the Indecent Assault and Battery charge, client faced up to 2 ½ years in jail and would be required to Register as a Sex Offender.  The government alleged the client engaged in an indecent touching with his live-in girlfriend of ten months.  Massachusetts Indecent Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  NOT GULTY on Indecent Assault and Battery charge, hung jury on Assault and Battery (mistrial).  Client avoids conviction and DOES NOT have to register as a sex offender.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The defendant was charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender.  Massachusetts Failure to Register as a Sex Offender Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller requests the arraignment be continued.  The Judge agrees.  Attorney Miller investigates circumstances of case.  Failure to Register as a Sex Offender Attorney Jeff Miller conferences with prosecutor and demonstrates no violation.

Result:  Case dismissed prior to arraignment.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant is charged with two counts of Open and Gross Lewdness and two counts of Lewd, Wanton, Lascivious conduct.  The government alleged the defendant was masturbating in his car on two separate occasions.  The government tracks defendant down approximately two weeks after the incidents.  The police call the defendant to the police station where the defendant provides a recorded statement.  Massachusetts Motion to Suppress Statements Attorney Jeff Miller files a motion to suppress the statement based on the fact the statement was not voluntary.  The motion Judge ALLOWS the motion to suppress in part.

Result:  Probation, defendant avoids jail sentence.

Cambridge District Court
Docket intentionally omitted

The defendant is charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender.  The government alleged the defendant failed to provide notice of an address change 10 days before moving as is required by the statute.  Middlesex County Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the facts and files a motion to dismiss based on no probable cause to find a violation.  The motion to dismiss is denied.  Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, the prosecutor files a Nolle Prosequi stating they cannot meet their burden of proof.

Chelsea District Court
Commonwealth v. S.L.

The defendant is charged with soliciting Sex for a Fee.  The government alleged police observed the defendant enter a car.  This occurred in an area known for prostitution.  After the defendant exited the car, the police stopped the car.  The “John” stated the defendant asked him for a ride and offered him oral sex.  Chelsea Sex for Fee Attorney Jeff Miller files a motion to dismiss based on fact no offer was made for money.

Result:  Government concedes the motion and dismisses the case.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division
Docket intentionally omitted

The defendant is charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender.  The government alleged the defendant, a homeless man, failed to timely register as a sex offender as is required by statute.  Massachusetts Sex Offender Defense Attorney Jeff Miller researches the discovery materials and prepares for trial.  Trial preparation involved several motions in limine on unique evidentiary issues.

Result:  On the day of trial, prosecutor moves to dismiss case.

Chelsea District Court
Docket intentionally omitted

The defendant is charged with Felony Indecent Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the defendant, a man in his 50’s, inappropriately touched a woman in her 20’s.  Massachusetts Indecent Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the case and interviews several witnesses. Indecent assault and battery Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court
Docket intentionally omitted

The defendant is charged with Felony Indecent Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the defendant picked up the alleged victim while driving a cab.  The government alleged the defendant took the alleged victim to a secluded area and sexually assaulted her.  Suffolk County Indecent Assault and Battery Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case and prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Dorchester Division
Docket intentionally omitted

The defendant is charged with Felony Indecent Assault and Battery.  The government alleges the defendant and his twin brother inappropriately touched a young lady in their bedroom.  The case presented many interesting issues.  Massachusetts Sexual Assault Defense Attorney Jeff Miller and co-counsel work diligently with prosecutor to resolve the case.

Result:  Pretrial probation, no admission.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division
Docket intentionally omitted

The defendant is charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender.  The government alleged the defendant missed his registration date as is required by statute.  Massachusetts Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates and finds the defendant was in the custody of the Commonwealth at the time of the alleged offense.

Result:  Case dismissed. 

Chelsea District Court
Commonwealth v. S.K.

The defendant is charged with multiple counts of Sex for Fee.  The government alleged the defendant engaged in sexual conduct and was provided a fee for her services.  Chelsea Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates case and finds the defendant was forced into her conduct by her partner.  The partner had beaten her when she did not comply.  Attorney Jeff Miller prepares Stockholm Syndrome defense and prepares for trial.

Result:  Prosecutor enters a Nolle Prosequi and ends prosecution of client.


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